sub-Group Hinkov

at Chair: "Optoelectronic Materials"


Research Activities

Our research activities are conducted as part of the Chair „Optoelectronic Materials“ at the Institute of Solid State Electronics (FKE), Technische Universität (TU) Wien in Vienna, Austria. After moving to new lab facilities at the Campus Gußhaus in 2018, we have access to modern laboratories for electrical and optical device characterization, including experiments between room and cryogenic temperatures.

We fabricate our optoelectronic devices in the state-of-the-art cleanroom Center for Micro- and Nanostructures (ZMNS). It is equipped with modern processing tools, including optical lithography (UV-, laser- & e-beam lithography), wet chemical and dry etching (ICP-RIE), various types of deposition of metals and/or dielectrics (PECVD, evaporation, sputtering, ALD, MOCVD, MBE) as well as characterization tools (structural: profilometry, AFM; optical: SEM; and electrical: needle-contact prober, Hall) and many more.

General overview of the groups's research acitivies and their interconnection: