sub-Group Hinkov

at Chair: "Optoelectronic Materials"


Latest News

New Paper out in RSC Lab on a Chip

Congratulations Florian for publishing this very nice piece of work, showing how to advance beyond the known Karl Fischer titration technique mit modern quantum cascade technology. In particual we demonstrate a

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Group X-Mas Party

Say „hello“ to everyone during our group’s X-Mas party. Thank you to all of you for such a fruitful and nice year! It is a blast working with you!! 

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MRS Fall Meeting in Boston

Mauro and I had a great time at the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston last week full of interesting presentations and discussions. Very nice to see recent developments in the

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Visit at Harvard

What a great pleasure to visit famous Harvard University and for being able to show some recent results to the fellow colleagues from Federico Capasso’s group. Thank you Dima Kazakov for

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Research Highlighted TU Wien Website

Our latest article, published in Nature Communications was featured in the news section of the TU Wien website. Especially, the interdisciplinary aspect of the work was highlighted, bringing together scientists

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Hedwig Successfully Defends PhD

Hedwig successfully defended her PhD (with distinction) today – congratulations!! It was nice to be co-supervisor of part of your thesis including the successful results. All the best for the future!

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